Guest Alessio Scopelliti joins Right Rising to discuss the programmatic flexibility of the radical right. Along with host Augusta Dell'Omo, Alessio breaks down how cultural, economic, and political realities force radical right parties to adapt and evolve their political platforms. Alessio explains how these particular cleavages can occur amongst radical right parties - and, critically, what they look like on the transnational level. Special Guest: Alessio Scopelliti.

Guest Alessio Scopelliti joins Right Rising to discuss the programmatic flexibility of the radical right. Along with host Augusta Dell'Omo, Alessio breaks down how cultural, economic, and political realities force radical right parties to adapt and evolve their political platforms. Alessio explains how these particular cleavages can occur amongst radical right parties - and, critically, what they look like on the transnational level.

Special Guest: Alessio Scopelliti.