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Right Now ™ with Jim Daws

687 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 3 years ago - ★★★★★ - 7 ratings

Right Now with Jim Daws is a webcast covering news, politics & culture from an America First perspective. You can listen almost anywhere except Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. Jim is currently on hiatus, but the show will return in February 2022.

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America First Radio for Dec 8, 2017 - Episode 156

December 08, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The Trump economy is humming with record hiring and low unemployment, including the dramatic return of manufacturing jobs. It’s been just a week since the shameful San Francisco verdict in the Kate Steinle murder trial and all the left can talk about is more amnesty for illegals. Palestinians and Arabs are organizing riots in response to the U.S. recognizing the Israeli capital in Jerusalem. We’ll talk about what the promised Al Franken resignation means.

America First Radio for Dec 7, 2017 - Episode 155

December 07, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

President Trump announced that the U.S. would recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocate our embassy there, promoting howls of protest from Democrat politicians who have voted repeatedly to do just that. Today Al Franken promised to resign, but not before calling his accusers liars and attacking President Trump and Judge Roy Moore for not doing the same. And we’ll be joined by Joe Guzzardi to discuss the battle over DACA and the lessons to be learned from California’s illegal immi...

America First Radio for Dec 5, 2017 - Episode 154

December 05, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Robert Muller’s lead FBI investigator has been revealed to be a strident Never-Trump who also helped draft Comey’s statement clearing Hillary Clinton. The RNC has restored its financial support to Roy Moore’s campaign after Trump formally endorsed him in the Alabama Senate race.

America First Radio for Dec 4, 2017 - Episode 153

December 04, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

San Francisco killed Kate Steinle and spit on her grave. Michael Flynn plead guilty to doing his job.

America First Radio for Nov 7, 2017 - Episode 152

November 07, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The Texas shooter was a convicted wife-beater who should never have been able to buy the weapons he used to kill 27 churchgoers. President Trump is in South Korea and calling on North Korean dictator Kim Jung Un to negotiate its nuclear disarmament. And desperate Democrats are rolling out their standard playbook in the Virginia governor’s race, calling GOP candidate Ed Gillespie a bigoted racists… yada, yada, yada...

America First Radio for Oct 30, 2017 - Episode 150

October 30, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Paul Manafort, who served briefly as Donald Trump’s campaign manager, has been indicted on politically-motivated charges arising from activities having nothing to do with the campaign. Manafort worked for years with Clinton-cronies John and Toney Podesta to advance Russian interests in the Obama administration. Meanwhile, there’s no sign that the Department of Justice intends to do anything about Clinton’s collusion with the Kremlin on the Fusion GPS hit job.

America First Radio for Oct 26, 2017 - Episode 149

October 25, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

It's been confirmed now that the Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the Fusion GPS hit job on Donald Trump and that the FBI was complicit. It also appears that the Robert Mueller’s FBI knew about Russia’s bribery of Hillary Clinton for U.S. uranium and kept the information from Congress. And establishment Republicuck Jeff Flake has officially been drained from the swamp.

America First Radio for Oct 20, 2017 - Episode 148

October 20, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

General John Kelly took the media and a Democrat congresswoman to the woodshed for politicizing military line of duty deaths. GOP establishment icon, George W. Bush teamed with Democrat establishment icon, Barack Hussein Obama yesterday to attack our America First president. Plus, we’ll discuss the defeat of ISIS, the Travel Ban ban, big tax cuts, and NFL ratings collapse.

America First Radio for Oct 19, 2017 - Episode 147

October 19, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The opposition media has news blackout on the blockbuster revelations that Robert Mueller’s FBI and Eric Holder’s Department of Justice knew that Russia was bribing Hillary Clinton for uranium. After just 9 months on the job, Donald Trump has routed the Islamic State - the media is also not at all interested in that story either.

America First Radio for Oct 18, 2017 - Episode 146

October 18, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

It’s been revealed that Robert Muller and Rod Rosenstein were complicit in Hillary Clinton’s pay for play that transferred American nuclear reserves to Russia. The media is instead focusing on Trump’s statement that other Presidents have neglected to call the next of kin of fallen soldiers . And John McCain is claiming that being a nationalist and against globalism is anti-American.

America First Radio for Oct 17, 2017 - Episode 145

October 16, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

From the Iran Deal to Obamacare, from DACA to ISIS, Obama’s shameful legacy is being systematically dismantled. The so-called capital of the ISIS caliphate has fallen after a sustained offensive by the U.S. led coalition. And as Steve Bannon calls for an insurgency against establishment GOP senators, President Trump joined with swamp creature Mitch McConnel to question the strategy.

America First Radio for Oct 13, 2017 - Episode 144

October 13, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

President Trump signed executive orders allowing for the purchase of health insurance across state lines and for associations to negotiate for group insurance rates. The Administration will decertify Iran’s compliance with the nuclear deal forcing congress to strengthen the agreement. The specter of an Electromagnetic Pulse attack from North Korea is becoming more and more real. And this week, the mask has been torn of Hollywood’s carefully crafted persona of moral superiority.

America First Radio for Oct 12, 2017 - Episode 143

October 12, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Displaying the establishment’s unquenchable thirst for cheap labor, the Wall Street Journal has come out against Trump’s immigration priorities. The Boy Scouts of America have thrown in the towel and decided that they are no longer an organization for American boys. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has presided over the collapse of the league’s popularity and value – is it time for him to go? And California’s firefighters face exhaustion, as the state’s raging infernos show no sign of contai...

America First Radio for Oct 11, 2017 - Episode 142

October 11, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has finally realized that allowing it’s employees to destroy the league might not be the best business model. In the wake of rape and sexual assault allegations, Harvey Weinstein has fled to Europe for rehab. And the matter of the timeline changes in the Vegas shooting get stranger and stranger.

America First Radio for Oct 10, 2017 - Episode 141

October 10, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

State government in California appears to have lost its mind, passing one insane special interest bill after the next . A new timeline is emerging in the Las Vegas shootings that reveals missed opportunities to save lives. Terrorists fighters in Iraq are surrendering in droves, which begs the question, “Was Obama serious about defeating ISIS”. And we’ll have the latest updates on Hollywood’s sexual harassment hypocrisy.

America First Radio for Oct 9, 2017 - Episode 140

October 09, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Today is Columbus Day celebrating the life and achievements of one of Western Civilization’s greatest explorers. President Trump sent a list of border enforcement priorities to Congress as a condition to DACA amnesty and Chuck and Nancy said, ‘No deal’. And movie mogul and huge Democrat funder Harvey Weinstein has admitted to three decades of sexual harassment - the revelations have rendered Hollywood leftists speechless.

America First Radio for Oct 6, 2017 - Episode 139

October 06, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The Senate Intelligence Committee announced that after 9 months of investigations, they have been unable to find a single scrap of evidence of Russia collusion. Governor Jerry Brown signed a bill making California a sanctuary state for criminal aliens, is it time for California and America to go their separate ways? And the NRA announced that the ATF should regulate bump stocks as the New York Times called for repeal of the Second Amendment.

America First Radio for Oct 5, 2017 - Episode 138

October 05, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The Las Vegas shooter saga gets stranger and stranger – we’ll discuss elements of the story that do not add up. While the nation has been distracted by disasters and atrocities, the swamp creatures in Washington pushing through amnesty. And Judge Roy Moore is leading the Democrat in the Alabama senate race, but not by as much as expected.

America First Radio for Oct 4, 2017 - Episode 137

October 04, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

President Trump visited Las Vegas today, comforting the injured and paying tribute to the heros. Photographs from inside the murderer’s hotel room are emerging purporting to show the weapons that he used. The live-in girlfriend has returned from the Philippines and is being questioned by police to determine a motive.

America First Radio for Oct 3, 2017 - Episode 136

October 03, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Stephen Paddock methodically and systematically committed one of the worst mass murders in U.S. history – we’ll delve into some of the possible motives. The cynical response to the tragedy by Democrats has been truly appalling – why can’t the left allow for facts to come out before pursuing their gun-control agenda. And while under machine gun fire, country music fans worked together to save lives.

America First Radio for Oct 2, 2017 - Episode 135

October 02, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

A 64-year old white male with no apparent political or religious affiliations opened fire with a fully automatic machine gun on a country music concert in Las Vegas, killing at least 60 and wounding hundreds. The Democrat mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico attacked FEMA’s disaster response to and President Trump criticized her lack of leadership. And O.J. Simpson is released from Nevada's prison and Florida’s Attorney General says we don’t want him back in our state.

America First Radio for Sept 29, 2017 - Episode 134

September 29, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Julian Assange is offering to turn over evidence that the Russian hack is a hoax in return for immunity from prosecution for the Bradley Manning leaks. The Economist Magazine argues that President Trump must be removed from office, not because of any wrongdoing, but because he’s undermining the New World Order. The President presented his tax reform proposal yesterday and he’s taking fire from elites on both the left and right.

America First Radio for Sept 27, 2017 - Episode 133

September 27, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Three and a half million residents of Puerto Rico are struggling for survival as FEMA faces the greatest disaster relief challenge in its history. As I predicted since he entered the race, Judge Roy Moore won the Republican primary for Alabama’s Senate seat and is expected to easily beat the Democrat candidate. And, yesterday Roger Stone made mincemeat out of the Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee.

America First Radio for Sept 26, 2017 - Episode 132

September 26, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

On Monday Night Football the entire Dallas Cowboy football team, including owner Jerry Jones, took a knee to embrace the so-called Black Lives Matter movement. Judge Roy Moore held a campaign rally last night ahead of today’s critical vote in Alabama where he’s taking on GOP establishment candidate Luther Strange – we’ll air the Judges comments in their entirety. And Roger Stone will testify before the House Intel Committee today, but he’s being denied a public hearing.

America First Radio for Sept 25, 2017 - Episode 131

September 25, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Yesterday, the NFL took a strong stand against the flag, the national anthem and America - Americans responded by changing the channel. A Sudanese migrant radicalized by Black Lives Matter attacked white parishioners at a small church in Tennessee, the media are struggling mightily to ignore it. And tomorrow, establishment swamp creature Luther Strange will face Judge Roy Moore in the runoff for Alabama’s Senate seat, we’ll take a look at how the race is shaping up.

America First Radio for Sept 22, 2017 - Episode 130

September 22, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Trump’s blunt speech at the U.N. seems to have roused communist China to take strong economic sanctions against it’s belligerent client state of North Korea. In a scene reminiscent of a Cohen brothers movie, Luther Strange and Judge Roy Moore debated in primary runoff for Alabama’s Senate seat last night. The connections between John Podesta and the Robert Muller’s inquisition against President Trump are beginning to be exposed.

America First Radio for Sept 21, 2017 - Episode 129

September 21, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Now that its obvious that the Obama Administration spied on the Trump presidential campaign, Republicans in Washington show zero intention rescuing the nation from a Deep State coup. National Public Radio and the Democrat Party are colluding to promote the violent, anti-police riots in Saint Louis. And NFL ratings are falling worse than a Colin Kaepernick pass, but the league is scared to confront it’s Black Lives Matter protests.

America First Radio for Sept 19, 2017 - Episode 127

September 19, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

CNN and the New York Times are now admitting the Trump was right, his campaign was wiretapped before, during and after the election. In an interview with NPR, hypocritical Hillary Clinton said that she may contest the 2016 election. The Democrat Party has been caught helping organize the riots in Saint Louis.

America First Radio for Sept 20, 2017 - Episode 128

September 19, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Hurricane Maria is pounding Puerto Rico with winds of up to 150 mph and Mexico is digging out from another earthquake. Donald Trump rocked the UN General Assembly yesterday with strong support for nationalism and a warning to North Korea’s Rocket Man. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has failed to bring a single indictment against Hillary Clinton or the Deep State.

America First Radio for Sept 18, 2017 - Episode 126

September 18, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

President Trump has reintroduced the concept of bipartisanship to Washington and both parties are struggling to come to terms with the concept of compromise. The opposition media is falsely reporting that the Administration is reconsidering it’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. And Hollywood gathered for yet another of their endless self-congratulatory awards shows last night as more and more Americans tuned out.

America First Radio for Sept 15, 2017 - Episode 125

September 15, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

President Trump’s reported support for DACA amnesty would allow over 3.5 million illegals to gain citizenship, prompt a flood of chain migration and encourage more illegal immigration. Hillary Clinton’s book tour is reminding everyone just how detached from reality the Democrat presidential nominee and unindicted serial felon truly is. And amid another campus meltdown, Ben Shapiro spoke at Berkeley last night, which gave us a glimpse into the reaction we can expect to the upcoming Free Spee...

America First Radio for Sept 11, 2017 - Episode 124

September 11, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 87.4 MB

Hurricane Irma has left Florida beaten but unbowed as the state is left with a daunting cleanup and rebuilding challenge. Steve Bannon sat down with Charlie Rose for a 60 Minutes interview and reminded supporters why they voted for Trump. Eric Bolling’s son died under mysterious circumstances on the same day that the Fox News fired him based on a left-wing smear campaign.

America First Radio For Sept 10, 2017 - Episode 123

September 09, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The United States has suffered a one-two punch from hurricanes in Texas and Florida and despite the media’s divisive rhetoric American’s are displaying great resolve and unity. President Trump cut a deal with Congressional Democrats to clear the decks for disaster relief and major tax reform. And a new virulent form of racism is coming from the left and the Democrat Party and targeting white people and especially white men for oppression and vilification.

America First Radio for Sept 4, 2017 - Episode 122

September 04, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

On Saturday, North Korea conducted another nuclear test and claims to have developed a far more powerful miniaturized hydrogen bomb. President Trump visited the devastation on the Gulf Coast and made an initial request for $7.85b in disaster relief. And the president is expected to end Obama’s DACA amnesty, delayed six months to give Congress time to action of its own.

America First Radio for September 1, 2017 - Episode 121

September 01, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

Hurricane Harvey has left a path of death and destruction, but the people of south Texas showed the nation how to stand together as Americans. The North Koreans launched another ballistic missile and the United States is responding with a show of force of its own. Antifa is a rising, violent force in American politics, but very few establishment Republicans seem concerned.

America First Radio for August 31, 2017 - Episode 120

August 31, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The death toll is rising in Texas and the storm has claimed its first casualties among the civilian rescuers. Also in Texas, an activist, Clinton appointed Federal judge has ignored the law and precedence to block enforcement of the state’s new law banning sanctuary cities. And Robert Muller is coordinating with New York’s highly partisan Democrat Attorney General to gin up financial crimes.

America First Radio for August 30, 2017 - Episode 119

August 30, 2017 00:00 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

The 85 year-old levees in south Texas are in danger of failing which threatens to add to the misery and loss of life. Berkeley has once-again become ground zero for the free speech movement, but this time so-called liberals are using the threat of violence to silence dissent. In a truly chilling development, tech monopolies are moving to shut down free speech on the internet. And through it all, the Fake News media focused on the First Ladies choice of footwear.


The Sky is Falling
1 Episode