Use this episode as a consistent reminder to step away from the "race".

The expectations What others want from you Who others think you "are" Who you "should" be  What you "need" to do  How fast you "need" to do it

Relax, and know that right now in this moment is the only place you have control over. Things will play out how they're supposed to. You running that "race" makes no difference. Let's take a walk together.


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Hey I’m Nick Duska, host of Right After Breakfast. This is a podcast of stories, lessons, and tips to help boost your personal growth and push you towards your highest potential. Episodes give you bite sized tools that can be used immediately to assist you in daily life. Learn more at


Do you have a personal growth question you'd like me to answer? Please email me at [email protected], I’d love to hear from you! Once you submit a question you'll have a chance to get it featured on the podcast. 


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