On paper Tory Dube is a certified holistic nutritionist, certified life coach and certified hypnotherapist. In action she is a transformational coach. Utilizing her expertise in professional dance and performance, holistic nutrition, transformational psychology and intuitive healing, she guides women to core confidence- body & spirit.


Get ready for an action packed episode of things you can do to help yourself grow RIGHT NOW. Grab a freakin pen and paper for this one. Or just listen a few times :)


Find her directly here:


Podcast: iTunes


Hey I’m Nick Duska, host of Right After Breakfast. This is a podcast of stories, lessons, and tips to help boost your personal growth and push you towards your highest potential. Episodes give you bite sized tools that can be used immediately to assist you in daily life. Learn more at www.rightafterbreakfast.com


Do you have a personal growth question you'd like me to answer? Please email me at [email protected], I’d love to hear from you! Once you submit a question you'll have a chance to get it featured on the podcast. 


Find out how I can help you with Career & Lifestyle Development: https://www.nickduska.com/