We are going to talk briefly about what a balanced scorecard is and then I’m going to focus in on quality. If you focus too heavily on one metric you can do so at the expense of others.  In research sites, if I focus too heavily on enrollment, or finding patients that meet criteria for research trials, I can do so at the expense of the quality of my data. And, ultimately, that is not serving the industry the best that I can.  A balanced scorecard is where you pay attention to an assortment of metrics so that if you do well on all of these, you are in the sweet spot.  You are serving the industry in the best way you possibly can in any given moment and time. 

In our company we talk about EQTCS - Enrollment, Quality, Timelines, and Customer Service.  If we achieve great enrollment (putting patients into trials), the quality of the data we are producing, adherence to the timelines, with great levels of customer service to our patients, our physicians, and to the industry, then we are in that sweet spot. Today we begin by talking about quality.