Do you know what the lifecycle of homeownership is? Are you caught in the cycle of clients selling one house to buy one house? Did you know that there’s a better, more profitable way? Are you advising your clients to become not just real estate owners, but real estate investors? Listen in as Rick shares with his team how to build long term wealth and passive income using real estate. And this advice isn’t just for your clients, it’s to guide you on building your financial future, too!
Traditional Livecycle Of HomeOwnership

First Home -> Move Up -> Move Up-> Move Up ->Move Down -> Retirement

Don't Sell then  Buy, Sell and Buy TwoDon't Buy Low and Sell High, Buy Low and Trade UpPay off your home and lower your living expenses, pay off your investment properties and produce incomePeople are motivated  to take action because there is a Fear of loss or Hope of gain

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