Do you have a business goal? Do you just want to start your business? Well then I hope you are ready for this episode.



In this episode Barbara Grochowska discuss the three elements you need to reach any goal, but especially a business goal.



We will be discussing:



Gaining clarity! How and why you need it when starting on a journey. Making a plan! Do you understand the steps it will take to get you to your goal? Execution! You can’t reach that goal if you aren’t setting yourself up for winning by creating great habits from the get go.



Episode Mentions:



Neuro-linguistics Programming (NLP)



Tony Robbins



Positive Psychology



Atomic Habits by James Clear



Working with Barbara Grochowska:












Email: [email protected]



Free Goal Setting Cheat Sheet: Here!



Read the Transcript Below



Welcome to rich in differences with your host, Brooke, where we discover what works for you in life, health and business. We are not Legos and one size does not fit all. So grab a good drink and come listen to different perspectives as we see what sticks for you.



So thank you for listening to rich in differences. And today we have guest speaker Barbara Grochowsa. She's hailing from London today where is extremely hot. Thank you for being with us. Barbara.



Thank you for having me, Brooke.



So I've interviewed Barbara before for one of my classes and she is amazing. She is a great teacher and coach so I can't wait for her to teach her lessons for today. I'm going to read something that I found off of her application that I felt was very insightful and very much how most of us feel in the, in the service space industry. Is it okay if I read a part of your, your application answer Barbara?



Yes, Absolutely.



All right. So she wrote to me in the application. I've lived a great part of my life on autopilot pleasing people. And going through the motions of every day and at last I had to wake up call, which made me become brutally honest with myself and what I wanted in life. I didn't have the skills at that point to change the things around as soon as possible, but I was determined to pave my own way to my ultimate freedom and being control of my life, which I feel like, a lot of us have that moment. And I love the fact that you bring up, bring up the point, like you didn't have the skills at that time, but you're a willing to get the skills in order to go the path you wanted to go. What happened at that time and what did you end up, you know, learning or creating to help yourself move forward on your own path?


So at that time when I realized, and I was living on the autopilot,  I was married, I had a beautiful house. I had everything that I wanted to have, when I was in my twenties and I thought, I just hit a jackpot and I was happy at the time, but everything came down to pleasing people. I  was pleasing people instead of just being myself. I just got into the part of my health, my ex-husband’s family and hoping the things work out and also the thinking of like everyone was getting married around me. Everyone was getting, you know, buying houses, going through different things. And I felt like, Hey, I need to do that too because everyone else was doing that. But then there was some problems in my marriage and before, actually I turned 30, I got divorced and that was the best up call for me because that opportunity helped me to realize that I really need to live my life. I literally didn't know at that point what I'm going to do, but I felt such a beautiful freedom of the, I can do whatever I wanted to. No one's going to stop me. Obviously at that time, you know, it was like I was, everything was new for me at that point and I just, you know, I wasn't exactly sure what that's going to be, but I knew I just going to do something, just something, like extraordinary, something that I haven't done before and not to worry about, you know, all the people, other like part of the family. They were judging me. So he was really, I really need that, like the wakeup call because that's why I was able to find my identity, my voice. Cause during that time when I was married, you know, it was just following others and as I said before, placing people.



Yeah, no, I totally understand. I've definitely been there with the pleasing people in the divorce and finding out afterwards, like after your divorce, realizing I can do whatever I want to do. I can be whoever I want to be. There's, you know, I'm not having to change myself or twist myself into something I'm not in order to make other people happy. So I totally appreciate that. What did you end up deciding to do?



So I felt at that point I'm just going to be a rebel. I went parsing a lot hard and loud and I actually, I moved countries for like six months. I just needed a break from UK. So I actually moved to New Jersey and stayed with my sister and I thought that time, who helped me to figure out my next step in life. Because at that point I just quit my job. I still, I was at the uni, but it was everything online so I could just take the study with me. But then, you know, as much as I had a lot of time to thing in insights, I just didn't, it didn't feel right for me over though. Like I just couldn't, I couldn't get the idea. Maybe I put, I think I was putting too much pressure on myself as far as trying to figure out what's going to be next for me in life. So after that I decided to go back to London and then, you know, it's not like I figured out right away, the moment I touched down in London that yes, that's what I'm going to do after what I think after a couple years I was, I got a path of self-development and I started listening and reading more about that and about, you know, how we can change our mindset and, and you know, all of those great things that we can, you know, enhance our life experience. It was my friend’s influence as well. I was talking to him, um, about becoming a coach and he's kind of, I think, you know, these are traits that place for people in your life that had just come in and they teach you a lesson and then, so sometimes they were spies, sometimes they will go, and he was one of those friends, he just, you know, introduced me to like the NLP and coaching and introduced me to different parts of service developments as well. So that's what I started, you know, getting more into coaching. I mean, I wasn't coaching at that point, but I was, I started researching and I thought, Whoa, you can actually make money coaching people. Because before I was, I was pretty ignorant when it came to coaching and self development, I was just, I had this kind of, you know, background where you should have figured out, you should figure out all the things, how to live, how to take care of yourself and so on. And you know, is it the black and white? That's it. Thanks to him actually. And I was able to see that, it's not the point, it’s not the case and there is so much more to life. The exploration of your bribe and yourself. It's so much beautiful when you take a time and you are actually willing to do the work as well. So that's where I decided to pursue this coaching path. And I liked, you know, the neuro linguistic programming. I found it very, you know, fascinating. And I was at the same time, I was, watching a lot of YouTube videos with Tony Robbins and all other, you know, influencers who they're, um, pioneers in this app development. And that was just like fascinated about it. I was just like, wow, I really want to do that. And even though, you know, looking back, even before I got married, I used to, you know, I like to inspire people. I like to, you know, bring the positivity into life and so on, but didn’t actually paid attention to that. So actually, you know, I looked into becoming a coach then I couldn't just go in and do the coaching because I didn't, I literally didn't know where to start. So I had to, I started researching, I hired a coach to help me to build my online business too. Honestly, it's, it's so hard when you haven't done anything like that before. It is so important to get a mentor or you know, some training course to find out how to do that because you can try to invite everyone in the world. But it's just so much time consuming. But if you can…



She's laughing cause I'm over here shaking my head vigorously. It really is hard if you don't have someone there to kind of help you guide the way some.


Absolutely. And then I came after that, I came across something really cool because I didn't want to only focus on motivation. I also wanted to combine like healthy living as well because for me health is so important. And since I remember I always make, I used to make like different things in the kitchen, like put all the like superfoods into my, in some nice movie like exercise during fasting and so on. And it was cool. I really enjoyed it. So I really had to make this decision, you know, am I going to be a coach who is just to the left coaching and just do it with the mindset, Oh am I going to be health coach? And I felt, you know, I couldn't, you know, at that point I didn't know I could just merge them. And the training that I did actually last year, it helped me to combine both of them and actually even enhanced that pretty much at the moment, human potential coach. So that involves everything like the mindset that have hacking positive psychology, everything to enhance, you know, your persona to help you find out who you are and how, you know, how you can perform at your best in your life. That, you know, I had to, you know, this course was this, this training was amazing. Helped me to acquire the skills that I needed to work with people. It gave me the container, how to actually hold the session with both the clients, how to work with them and you know, how's actually listened to them and how to read them. Because, you know, life coaching. It's not that you go into tell someone you have to do this and that and you will be fine. It's like exploring this person to find out exactly what's going on and, you know, direct and, or using the powerful question to have him or her to find their own path because me telling them what they're going to do is just, it's not gonna work because what has worked for me if I work for them, they need to find their own solution.



Yeah. So that was my journey of finding the skills [inaudible], It's just, that was the beginning of my journey because I learn every single day. I learned something different. I read different books to learn to, you know, to serve better as well.


Oh yeah. It's definitely a continuously growing yourself as well. Your learning doesn't stop. No one's learning stops.



Yeah, exactly. If you don't, there's no growth, as someone said.



Yes. Okay. So you are going to come on here and talk about on getting clarity on your goals and creating plans and steps and executing, which I'm sure is something that you've obviously utilized in your own practice in order to get ahead in your own practice. So what would you like to say on those steps?



So the first step would be to actually find exactly what you want to do. You need to find the clarity. It's, whatever it is. If it's in a business or there is something, a personal thing, take a time to actually find what you want to do. Describe it. Like be very precise. If you for example, struggling with that to find what that is. Take a time, just go unplug from everything. Just go for a walk or meditate, whatever works for you. Take a time, visualize that. Visualize what that is you want to do. Because if you don't have clarity, there's no point. You won't be able to find the right steps to get there. Because, it's just doesn't work that way. Otherwise you could just go into, go from one point to another one and then you cue. You would keep changing mind all the time. So the next step, is they have to be very honest with themselves on where they are right now and say, you know, the gap between where they are right now and the place where they want to go or what they wanted to, and from that point they need to write down what skills they need, what it's required to get from that point to where they want.


I agree.



Yeah, it's theirs. I don't know. For me personally, it took me a while to find the clarity, but then the moment I did, I was like, there's no, there was no distraction. I was just pretty focused on what I wanted to do and that was my path and it just took me way, you know, shorter time to get where I wanted to go. The third step to, you know, to reach the goal. This is, I think that will be the hardest part because there's some of elements you need to, yeah, to make sure you get there. You need to break down the goal you need to decide what will take you to get there, like you need to sit out like [inaudible], for example, how much time you need to put into your work each day. Can you do that? I was actually, last time, I just finished everything I broke, which is called atomic habits. I would just recommend to everyone, cause this book tells you exactly how to design the habits that, you know, there might be a small ones, but with stacking them over the time will help you to develop the daily routine. But you don't need to force yourself where you don't need to try to look for the motivation of doing the steps necessary steps to get where you want to go. You know, motivation, what works for a very short time. But if you've got the system down is like on, it's kind of, it's afterword becomes as a autopilot, but it's the good of the pilot to just, you just, for example, you get up in the morning and if you want to get fit, you get up, put you a running gear on and you're out of the door or just go into the, to the gym and you exercise and so on. So you need, you know, this is the part where we, people have to like break the goals, decided what's the rituals, habits they need to adopt for them to get where they want to go.



 All right. So this reminds me of kind of like going to college. So anybody who's been to college or even in high school, they used to do it to bring you into the guidance counselors office and y'all would go over what classes you're going to take and what's your goal. And like in college you do the two, like, what are you majoring in this year? And so here are the 120 credits you need in order to major in this. And it's kinda like it sets up the steps for you and you know where you know what the end goal is and you know everything you've got to do to get to the end goal. And a lot of times that's exactly how you need to be in life as well. Like here's my end goal. Like you said, what are all the steps I need to take to get there? And then I need a schedule that in my life so I can be making that progress. I always just reminds me of like going to college and how a lot of times we don't do that. We don't treat it like we're trying to get a degree and that we have to have these markers in place and we have to make the time to get those, reach those markers and then eventually we do hit our goal. And so that's us what those kind of reminds me of. It's like, remember when you had the, you know, go to college and you had the schedule and you had the plan and you had to show up and you know, you had to have all that in place or else you are never going to graduate with your degree.



Yeah, absolutely. It's like you becoming your own parents, because it can be wishy washy. Like, ah, I'm just going to do it tomorrow and then the tomorrow comes and it's not fair. Like now there is no negotiation. You just get up. Don't make a shake, sit down and do what do you need to do. And you know, I kind of I miss on one side, however, I didn't miss that. Being in college, you actually know you don't, you don't need to do the work you sat because you've got the major and you know exactly what steps they, the steps were given to you. You're on your own. Yeah. You need just figure out yourself, but then you can make your so much fun as well and enjoyable at the same time. Yeah. It's just, it's all about mindset as well.



All right, so you kind of, I'm pretty sure he talked about this a little bit because you said that you determine what you wanted to do and then you knew kind of the steps you wanted to take. So my question had been like, you know, what happened to get you started? Or maybe what happened after you started your journey and you created, you got clear on your goal, you created your plan and you started executing it. What are some of your outcomes from it?




Oh, that was, I'm just slapping it. It was just like love, hate relationship with my goal, pretty much. I really had to be honest with myself. I provided massive vision of myself of what I want to do, what I'm up to, what I want to have and what I want to be in like in five years, you know, I had to be very specific because if you're not specific, it just kind of do things, whatever I feel like. But when I decided whatever you wanted to either designed it designed like the steps of, you know, what would go into take, what would take for me to get the, and you know, it wasn't easy to follow through and I'm still in the process, you know, it's, even though I've created some sort of system, it's, this is something that I'm still working on. You know, that there are good days, bad days, there's some days that are really struggling to get up in the morning and just, just get all with this task and just do what I or I supposed to be doing. And during those times I've really, I take a time to remind myself what I'm working for, this is the, that is my motivation. Because I've been doing that for quite some time now. I've developed the ritual like even a morning ritual where, for example, in the morning like I get up like five o'clock in the morning, go for a run. Then when I came back, come back that I have some time for myself, and then I spent at least hour to answer my CO's or emails and then having my breakfast and then go to work. And then in the evening, I tend to work with my clients. When I look at it right now. Or even when I looked at it like let's say two years ago, I thought, well, what's happened with my free time? It's like, what's happening with me? Meeting with friends, actually being so scheduled, being so organized, giving more freedom of, you know, spending actually creating the relationships that actually matter to me. Not spending some random times with people that I don't like, or they don't happy to grow or they know they criticize or something like that. They don't believe what I do. So that was, that was, you know, I love, I love that. I have to say, as I mentioned before, the good days and bad days and having the, you know, visualization practice helps a lot. So yes, I'm just thinking of who else helped me to actually create that. Yeah, what's happened? Sorry.


No, I was going to say, I know you gave some pretty good ideas. Being honest with yourself. That's a big one. Most people just think that they're going to create a plan and then they're just going to fit it in. Like I'll just make it work and that's just not how life works. You actually have to create a schedule and plan it in and also you know, understanding that this plan is a, like a living, breathing thing. Like it may not be exactly as you created it, you know, two years ago. So you probably are going to adjust it to fit as you grow and your life changes. It also will have to adjust as well and showing up and making like it sounds like you have like set hours. Like this is what I do now, and I do this every day or at least is to the best of my ability and you know, everything else you know that has to wait. You know, like this is business hours for me, so you know, you are calling me up and saying you need a ride to the airport. This really isn't going to work right now because I'm working, you know. So it's like the idea of also being strong in your, the times you are set and keeping to them as well. So I feel like you've given a lot of information, but if you got more we'd be more than happy to hear it.



Yeah. Actually, you mentioned about the scheduling. We are so happy with doing that to do list and thinking like, Oh, we're gonna crump all of it in one day and it's going to be brilliant and I got to move so fast into achieving my goal. It doesn't work that way as much as much we could have such a good intention to, you know, to do as much in one go, but Hey, that, you like, I'm so guilty of over-scheduling hoping that you know, our monitor that and you know, that's going to have to get it done in the next week. Oh actually, you know, this actually doing the projects or the goals that they want to achieve. Like normally achievable within a month. I was planning, Oh let's just do that in one day or one weekend. No, you have to be realistic. You work at, you will burn out you will hate the process. So fear artistic of how much time each task is going to take. And for example, if you finish, don't feel bad about that. Sometimes things happens. You have another day to complete that.



Yes. Grace to self.






It's important to show grace to self as much as we show grace to others. All right, so I know you've given already some ideas, but if you were to teach someone how to start this, like what exactly would you say? Like should be like their first steps in getting started. Do you have like, like grab a journal, grab a planner or like how would you teach someone to sit down and do this, you know, get clarity on their goals, creating a plan and then executing.



Hmm. So the first step would be I would recommend everyone to just unplug completely. Not to like turn off the TV, turn off you YouTube, you don't want to have an influence or anything like that on I think to disturb you and even like going for a walk, just go for a walk, clear your mind and think of what you really want. If it's for example, if it would help you to put the words on the paper, do what it's because only that way you can find the clarity of the goal. Obviously with the time it might change, like slightly different direction but right at this point unplugging, cutting out on the distraction on side to side. It's the first step to actually to get the, you know, the get the clarity on the goal.



Okay. That's it and it's excellent. I totally agree and I think it is in part like you brought up like, it's important to bring up, like you said, like it can change over time. I feel like a lot of times we get stuck on this idea that once I write this down, this is it. This is all I'll ever do, and our brain goes, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What if we want to do this? Who do we want to do that? Oh my God. You know, you're, you're cutting everything else out. But the truth is you've got to start somewhere though. Once you got landed somewhere, as you grow, you can pivot as necessary when you're ready or when it's appropriate to. So don't get locked up in the idea that this is it, but you do have to start somewhere. So yeah, getting away and making some sort of decision like this is what I'm going to focus on right now is very important to get in getting started on that journey because I'm the world's worst with that.



Oh God. I think I, I'd like to add to that point that that's, that is don't chase every tiny object on the way. And now everyone, there's so much noise out other, you know, people though you think different things, just be unique. Be yourself. Find the thing that works for you. That's it.


Barbara, how can people work with you these days?



At the moment I provide one on one coaching so they can just go to my websites and just book their discovery session so that can had the testers, a taster as well of my session, my coaching style. Excellent.


And take it from there.



All right, so I'm going to put her website information down below in the show notes so you'll be able to find her if you want to work with her. And are you on any social media these days, like working people kind of maybe follow you in your work?



Sure. So I am on Instagram, which is BarbaraGrochowska, G R O. C H. O. W. S. K. A. I know it's a hard run, and I’m on the Facebook because well, which is, I couldn't get the same [inaudible] but it's Barbara G coaching. That's the another place people can find me as well.




Excellent. And again, I'll put that down below in the show notes so you can just simply click on the link and go right to her, right to her page and her information. All right, Barbara. I believe that's it. I appreciate you coming on here and chatting and teaching us all about your steps and your journey. I think your journey is great and I love how raw and honest you are because truth is none of us have it all figured out and it is a work in progress for the rest of our lives essentially. It never gets completely figured out. So thank you for coming on here and chatting with us. Thank you so much for having me. All right, pop tarts, us all for this week remembers send in your thoughts, your feedback, your ideas, your questions, and your drink of choice, whether it be alcoholic or non alcoholic, and be sure to send in the recipes so you can be featured on the show. And don't forget, subscribe. So you can be around for when I feature you on the show and it gives some good content. Here's to another week. Cheers.