If you’re the kind of person who is scared to create social media content on the fly or just doesn’t have time to do all of that copying and pasting (plus brainwork to come up with that perfect viral post), there’s an answer for that, systems


As Brooke explains, the key to creating a consistent online presence is having the right system. You want a system that makes it easier to create content while saving you time. You also want a system that will let you schedule ahead of time, because life happens.


A social media management tool can do all of this...and a whole lot more...


 Listen in as Brooke shares how using a system and the right social media management tool allowed her to maintain a consistent online presence, no matter what was going on in her personal life at the time.


Major Topics in the Conversation

What is a social media manager and what are some common ones? Why your business needs a social media manager tool like Hootsuite or Buffer Behind-the-scenes look at Brooke’s system for managing her social media Why your social media system should focus on your needs Keeping a social media presence when you’re not prepared to post


Special Moments in the Episode

[0:30] What is a social media manager? What are some examples?


[1:02] Why use social media managers?


[2:18] How to use social media managers as a business


[6:00] Using social media managers to create a consistent presence...when your life hits an unexpected turn


[8:04] How do you social media?


Learn more:












Kori Linn - Burnout Specialist and Coach


Janice Chaka - Podcaster and Travelling Introvert



Free Training - Eclectic Entrepreneurs


Unsplash.com - Royalty Free Photos



Brooke's Social Media:











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Transcript Below


Welcome to Rich In Differences with your host Brooke. Where we  discover what works for you in life, health and business. We are not legos and one size does not fit all. So grab a good drink and come listen to different perspectives as we see what sticks for you.


Welcome to Rich In Differences. This is your hostess with the mostest Brooke. And today we're gonna be discussing systems in particular social media managers. I am in love with social media managers. So what is a social media manager? It is something like Hootsuite, Buffer, MeetEdgar and it's essentially a website you go to, you sign up for it and you link your social media accounts to it and you're able to create posts and schedule posts to be posted in the future. And the application itself will do the posting.


 So it's like do all the setup and then the system just does it for you. And this has been a game changer for me. I dislike creating social media by the seat of my pants. I am definitely a planning and organizing type of gal. And if I have to try to come up with witty or you know very thoughtful posts out of nowhere I don't enjoy it and it doesn't come off as true to me. So I use social media managers to help me plan out what I want to post and then it gives me the ability to be as creative and as in-depth as I want to be.


So I want to think about someone you follow that their post always seems really thought out really well written and they post quite a bit. And you're probably thinking "my gosh how does she or he come up with all this content and how are they so consistent with it" more than likely they are using a social media manager. So here's how I use it. You're going to get a very in-depth look in behind the scenes of how a person may use a social media manager in their business.


So we're going to go with the idea of guests interviews because it's what I do. When I have a guest interview coming up I look at first off who's coming up? What are they talking about? I listen to the interview, I've probably heard the interview five hundred times before it's even put out into the world. And I look for certain things like I'll sit down and pick out quotes and look for amazing pictures on unsplash.com, which by the way is an amazing web site. If you are looking for royalty free photos and I will jump on canva.com I'm a canvas beast and I will create social media posts for my Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest accounts. I'll take these pictures and I'll put them with the quotes and just create something fun to put out there, just for this one episode. I'll also research any sort of articles that I feel like are relevant and if my guest speaker is someone who blogs or does podcasts themselves or puts any sort of media out into the world I'll see if I can find something that's relevant and I'll collect that as recommended readings. I will also create a blog post of my own from the episode and any other information. So if they're giving me a freebie that's something I'll collect and I take all this information and I put it into my Air Table because I use AirTable.com for my podcast, everything podcasting is put in to my Air Table and I will go on to my social media manager and I will sit down and schedule out about two weeks worth of posts just on this single episode for this guest speaker. It allows me the time to actually sit down and also research like for example hashtags, if I'm doing Instagram then I'm going to want to have relevant hashtags for this guest speaker.


 And again all of that information goes right into my Air Table next to their episode. And so all this information is right here at my fingertips and I simply go into my social media manager I click Monday at 11:09 A.M. because my social media manager says hey this seems to be the time that most people are looking at your post and I post a quote. Then Tuesday maybe I post a recommended reading from my guest speaker and Wednesday I'll post their freebie that they're giving out. And I'll do this all the way up to the time of their episode.


 And this again allows for me to sit down and really think things out and really put my own creative spin on how I want to market this episode. For example Corey Lin's episode if you were to look at my social media at that time I had quotes right, but her quotes were on pictures that people were writing in notebooks. And then I have Janice Chaukas episode about podcasting and her pictures were different and she didn't really, we didn't really, do quotes we did tips. So I really get to sit down and put my creative spin on this and that gives me the time and the space to do so, then I'm putting something out the world that's more like me.


 The second thing that having a social media manager does is it allows you, and allows your business to keep going when things do not go well for you in life. So here's an example. A little over a week ago my grandmother passed away and it was very unexpected and my entire family including me was in shock and grief set in pretty quickly and my life came to a standstill. She was a huge part of our family. She was always there for us. And you would, we would call her the matriarch of our family and so her passing was a big, big deal. And for me and I'm sure for the rest of my family life kind of just went still. And that includes my business. A few days after her passing I started getting notifications on my phone about people liking my Facebook posts and making comments and I thought to myself but I'm not making any posts. What are people liking and commenting on? And I opened up my Facebook and lo and behold there's all my scheduled posts.


 I had completely forgotten that I had scheduled weeks worth of posts already. So essentially I schedule about a month's worth of posts and so I kind of just honestly just forgot about it all in my grief and shock. But the social media manager did what it was supposed to do. It scheduled or sent out the posts that I had scheduled. And so to the rest of the world my business look like it kept going. Even though behind the scenes it had come to a complete and utter standstill.


 So a social media manager allows you to also be prepared. And I wasn't even thinking about that when I started using one, for when the inevitable happens. Something in your life will happen that's going to cause you to come to a standstill. That's life. And so having good systems in place kind of allows for your business to keep going even though you may not be at that time. And if you are a natural planner or organizer this is really going to resonate with you. If you're finding yourself having a hard time keeping up with your social media this may be a good option for you.


As a matter of fact why don't you let me know how you do your social media? What works for you? Are you a fly by the seat of your pants type of person? Do you use a program? Do you hire someone? How do you do it? There is no wrong way. There is just simply what works for you.


All right pop tarts that's it for today.  And today I'm going to leave a message to my nanny who passed away.


Hey nanny I already miss you. I have to say you were the most honest person I have ever met. I'm not quite sure how you treated the rest of the family but I can safely say that you never sugarcoated anything for me and you helped me have a good footing in the real world in the realistic side of things because of it. I hope you're keeping an eye on all of us and I love you.