Episode 017 with Patrick McKenzie of StarFighters.io. Patrick made the leap from grinding it out as a white-collar worker in Japan to being an entrepreneur by solo-shipping two SaaS products. In that journey, he also has become one of the top contributors at sites like Hackernews. Today Patrick is Co-Founder and CEO of Starfighters.io which matches […]

The post Patrick McKenzie on Hiring Awesome Developers and Launching Businesses (Podcast 017) appeared first on Rhodium Network (Formerly Weekend).

Episode 017 with Patrick McKenzie of StarFighters.io. Patrick made the leap from grinding it out as a white-collar worker in Japan to being an entrepreneur by solo-shipping two SaaS products. In that journey, he also has become one of the top contributors at sites like Hackernews. Today Patrick is Co-Founder and CEO of Starfighters.io which matches large employers to talented developers in a unique way which you’ll hear about in the episode.

In this episode:

How he built and ultimately sold a software business that helps teachers create bingo cards for the classroom.
Getting past the chicken or egg problem in match making or marketplace based businesses.
The best way to find a quality developer and how much you should expect to pay them.
What to do when you can’t afford the $20,000 fee needed to develop your software and more.

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The post Patrick McKenzie on Hiring Awesome Developers and Launching Businesses (Podcast 017) appeared first on Rhodium Network (Formerly Weekend).

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