This podcast was created to offer tools and tips to help you rewrite your story personally, professionally, spiritually, or relationally. Tune in each week as we:

1)    Share real-life stories
2)    See God’s hand in everything and 
3)    Offer tips and tools to rewrite your story for God’s glory

In today's episode, Chandra and Sarah discuss part 2 of miracles, signs, and wonders by taking a deep dive into the story of Lazarus in John 11. 

The begin with a recap of last weeks episode and how discussing personal miracles impacted them throughout the week (1:00). Chandra again references Unger's Bible dictionary and includes some definitions of miracles that help provide context (7:00). 

Sarah gives an overview of John 11 ( (12:57). She and Sarah discuss highlights from verses 1-44. There are good thoughts and questions to ponder that Sarah and Chandra discuss such as:

Is the miracle the one we want, or does God have something bigger?Do you become discouraged when you know God has the power to do something but He doesn't?Sometimes the people closest to us don't understand the miracle God is performing. Listen with caution and trust God.A delay may be to increase our faith or the faith of others.When we try to control God's timing, we risk eliminating a miracle and taking away glory given to God.

Unger's Bible Dictionary

Scriptures: Hebrews 11:6

Tune in next week for our final episode of this season. As always, thanks for joining us!

Please send comments, questions, or topics to [email protected]. Thanks!