Jessica Jackson is the host of the Thriving in Motherhood Podcast and annual Soaring Mothers Summit and the creator of the Thriving in Motherhood Planner. As a homeschooling mother of four young children, she knows what it is like to try and find peace and balance between running a household, creating a strong family culture, and working on her own projects while real life keeps happening (hard pregnancies and postpartum, sickness, cross country moves, etc.) After years of struggle, she realized there are simple, practical things we can do to stop living in survival mode and find meaning, joy, and growth in everyday life.

In today's episode,  Dr. Gertrude and Jessica talk about how mothers should thrive and own our space in our family through the three pillars of thriving. Jessica shares how she built strong relationships among her children and created her vision for motherhood.

Today on Mot(HER):

The struggles of Jessica's motherhood journeyCreating a vision for motherhoodThe Three Pillars of ThrivingConcept of structure in motherhoodBeing the leader in creating the family cultureWhat supports Jessica in being in the space of vision and not desperationModeling a healthy relationship for her childrenHomeschooling and creating an experiential learning life for her children

Connect with Jessica Jackson:

Website: https://thrivinginmotherhoodpodcast.comInstagram: @thrivinginmotherhood.podcast

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Visit her website to learn more about Rewrite The Mother Code®: Dr. Gertrude on Instagram: @drgertrudelyonsSign up for Dr. Gertrude’s Newsletter

Download Dr. Gertrude’s FREE ebooks and explore your own Mothering Journey:

To the woman who is unsure if she wants to have childrenTo the woman who never wants to have childrenTo the woman who is certain she wants children in the futureTo the woman who has a child

This show is produced by Soulfire Productions