Are you familiar with an apéritivo? It provides all the flavor and sophistication of a traditional cocktail, without the negative effects of alcohol. This means that everyone can enjoy a drink without the risk of impaired judgment or a hangover the next day.

Figlia is a modern, non-alcoholic aperitivo company helping create moments to remember. In Italy, aperitivo culture is a ritual for people to come together by enjoying conversation over drinks—no special occasion needed. Figlia honors this tradition with all the complexity and flavor but without the alcohol.

Founded in 2020, Figlia was created by Lily Geiger in honor of her late father, who battled alcoholism. This experience led Lily to explore society’s relationship with alcohol as well as her own. Many conversations later, she found that others shared her desire for community without the pressure of consuming alcohol. This inspired Lily’s mission to create an aperitivo that preserves its culinary integrity and fosters community without the negative effects of alcohol.

Figlia was born as a tribute to the power of family—both the given and the chosen—and the value of open conversation to build community.

Show Highlights:

How Lily got to be the founder and CEO of Figlia.How the brand, Figlia is giving back.When you have a bigger vision, it’s time to name it.How Lily’s company is a labor of love.How Lily has been bootstrapping Figlia.What’s in store for Lily’s future.

I think you can agree that Lily Geiger is a remarkable entrepreneur. Her journey and story are incredibly inspiring, and she continues to make a positive impact on women's health and wellness through her brand. Lily's passion and dedication to empowering women to take control of their health have been the driving force behind Figlia's success. Her efforts to provide accessible and effective solutions for women's health make a significant difference, and her story is a reminder of the importance of pursuing one's dreams and making a positive impact on the world.

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