In this episode, Shibby & TheZenMarxist are joined by James from Prolekult Films for an interview on their background, Prolekult's history, it's works & it's future.

We then take a huge stride forwards into grounds very few Marxists tread on; that is the social & class position of the disabled lumpen-proles who are among the most oppressed, neglected & ostracized in all of the world.
How is this so? We describe in detail with experience, analysis & lay the footprints in the ground for others to explore & follow on this path that leads to social, political human emancipation from exploitation, segregation & degregation..

This is part #1 of a series of Disability & Marxism. We welcome any and all disabled comrades who would like their experiences platformed.

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Credit for "Class Shruggle" Artwork Goes To @BarbRadical & @StrikePoster 

In this episode, Shibby & TheZenMarxist are joined by James from Prolekult Films for an interview on their background, Prolekult's history, it's works & it's future. We then take a huge stride forwards into grounds very few Marxists tread on; that is the social & class position of the disabled lumpen-proles who are among the most oppressed, neglected & ostracized in all of the world. How is this so? We describe in detail with experience, analysis & lay the footprints in the ground for others to explore & follow on this path that leads to social, political human emancipation from exploitation, segregation & degregation.. This is part #1 of a series of Disability & Marxism. We welcome any and all disabled comrades who would like their experiences platformed. Follow Prolekult: Youtube: > Youtube Link

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