Guest: Tahira Bharmal

Spreading love, kindness & generosity.

Petra talks with life coach, writer & editor Tahira Bharmal about sharing inspirational stories and the mission of spreading love, kindness & generosity

Tahira is born and raised in Kenya. Has lived in the South Africa, the UAE and now resides in Canada. She is a life coach and has an online magazine - Slick Chick Magazine geared towards the everyday woman, which celebrates inspirational stories of women from all walks of life. Tahira's mission is to spread love, kindness and generosity. As a coach, she helps her clients reach their goals and works with helping them live a fulfilled life authentically. She believes the mind, body and spirit have to be aligned for us to live at our best.

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes

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