Guest: Linda Kroll and

Love is the Answer- Starting with Loving Your SELF

Linda Kroll, LCPC, JD, is a therapist, mediator, attorney, and author of Compassionate Mediation for Relationships at a Crossroad: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion. She is also a Chopra Certified Master Teacher (mediation, yoga and Ayurveda.)


She has counseled thousands of women and men as they added more peace, love and joy to their lives with Compassionate Communication.


Linda believes. “Love is the answer, but it starts with loving your SELF. “


She is the founder of Compassionate Communication Academy, and has counseled thousands of individuals and couples to heal and transform their relationships.


Combining psychotherapy, spirituality and legal information and guidance,Linda developed her transformational processes of Compassionate Mediation®and SELF-Led Divorce®.


She combines SELF-leadership, higher consciousness, mindfulness and compassion with the hope of transforming the face of divorce, one heart at a time.


She also teaches other therapists, mediators, attorneys and coaches in her webinars and online programs.  

Your Host: Transformational Story Coach, Petra Nicoll

Petra's trials and tribulations in her own life have inspired her book, Petra’s Ashes

Get Petra's FREE Meditation MP3 at