Are you feeling stuck? Paralyzed and weighed down by your dreams and hopes for the future? Maybe you're longing to birth something beautiful, but you're hitting a wall? If so, this episode is for you: The achiever. The one longing to build something significant but feeling shut down in the process. It may surprise you, but you're not creating treasure; however, you are created to reveal treasure. Understanding the difference between those two statements is crucial for freedom in creativity. Give this episode a listen to discover why.

In this episode: Let's unlearn pressure and discover freedom together!


The entire universe is standing on tiptoe,  yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious Romans 8:19 TPT

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Matthew 13:44 ESV

Letter from the host:

Dear Beloveds, 

Reflecting on and responding to the faithful and intelligent love of God has been therapeutic to my mind, heart, and body! I vulnerably share because I want you to experience the joy of authentic connection with Jesus, yourself, and others. 

Growth happens at the point of connection. Thank you for trusting me with this connection! I'm glad to be with you! 

With joy, 

Gabrielle Michelle 

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Music by AG (Affirming Grace) @agmusic4god 

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