Our girl, Julie Ohlemacher, is back to help me break down a juicy and deeply personal topic - status seeking.

When we live in a world that teaches us our starting place is "un-worth," it's only natural that we'll feel an impulse to fill ourselves through traditional status symbols like wealth, career, relationships and material possessions. Yet often those pursuits leave us feeling empty, unfulfilled and like we're just not enough.

Join Julie and I for this vulnerable episode that almost feels like you're getting a peak into a journal entry as we discuss:

Looking to themes in nature for guidance and support from Spirit The lessons we've both been learning on surrendering control How stress, chaos and uncertainty might cause someone to fall back on outdated patterns/strategies in order to feel like they have control The nonlinear nature of growth and allowing for cycles of expansion and contraction Our inability to control what other people think of us, while also being within our power to not invest our energy in their opinions or thoughts Status seeking as being all about other's perceptions of us Examining our choices to uncover if they are coming from status seeking/ego or our deepest desires How constantly seeking status creates a void of never enough Choosing to also see rest as success Shifting our focus from external status seeking to happiness, joy and fulfillment in our daily lives

Check out my Feminine Freedom Coaching Experience Here: https://hollytorontocoaching.lpages.co/the-feminine-freedom-coaching-experience/

Sign up for The Return to Wholeness Journaling Guide: https://mailchi.mp/6adaf207fc0a/rtw-journaling-guide