This episode was originally published on March 18th, 2020.


Coming to you live from coronavirus lockdown, it's the latest episode of The Ultimate Reprise! (As well as a special, hidden episode of The Ultimate Ben, Earth's only podcast about Ben, starring Ben, and Ben, and Ben.)

Here, we finally discuss the BIG TWIST Ben accidentally guessed eight or so episodes ago. We also discuss Yeehaw Junction, which, magically, is a real place you can go to! Although once you find out which US state it's in, you may not want to. (Yes, it's Florida.)

Important note: due to audio issues, during the last half hour of this program, David will be replaced by various characters from the beloved 1998 video game Banjo-Kazooie.


Click here for Dickbutt:

Click here to learn more about Yeehaw Junction:,_Florida

Click here for Oklahomasexual:


Follow us on Twitter at @super_nuclear, or send us your feedback at [email protected]! Or you can support us on Patreon at .

Cover art by Zhampy! Find more of their work at or @zhampip.

Our intro/outro is "Race to the Skies" by Matt of Avana Music! Find more of Matt's work at