“If you wanna feel a sense of empowerment, you wanna feel a sense of wellness and balance and harmony in your life, you should consider the significance of your environment." - Jillian Rothschild Scholar Q&A: Trauma Bonding & Covert Narcissists

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Our guest today, Jillian Rothschild-Scholar helps ambitious people, who are feeling like there’s something a bit ‘off’ in their life and want to move forward with greater clarity, confidence, and ease. She is a classically trained Feng Shui Master, which includes consulting people on their Chinese Astrology Bazi charts.

Follow & DM me "free gift" on Instagram: @ravenscottshow  FOR FREE How to Set Powerful Boundaries workshop / YouTube

Follow guest on Instagram: @fengshuiinmotion

Get your free Bazi chart and register for her Free Presentation on Jan. 15 here.

Here are some key moments:

What is Chinese New Year & Astrology? [17:18]People born in year of rabbit. [27:03] Celebrities in the news cycle this year. [28:37] Is 2023 a lucky year? [41:32]Caution March & Sept. do not do high risk & protect children from deviant offenses. [40:04, 55:31]

Empath & The Narcissist Book : and on Audible

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Submit your question on narcissist, spirituality, or meditation.

View my blog on this topic.

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Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex

#fengshui #fengshuilifestyle #traumabond #narcissist #empath #yearoftherabbit #2023predictions

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Zodiac Season updates with Human Design Gate transits, Somatic healing meditations, Human Design chart fully explained, Tools to Heal from Narcissistic Abuse.

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