“ I wanna know what Julia likes. And I love that because so many of the times, , uh, life even. We don't have time for ourselves.what do I really want and what do I really like? Does that resonate?” - Donna Tashjian

Finding Strength in Weakness: A difficult past can seem like an insurmountable mountain to climb over. But you don't have to stay stuck in the mud of your painful experiences. Find strength and rise above with advice from this episode! 

Better Help : Empath get 10% off your first month

Future Fitness:  Get their first month of personal training for $19 

Our guest today, Donna Tashjian is the founder of Vibrant Living International, a non-profit organization. She is a Life Mastery Coach, an ordained minister, a podcaster, and an author. She helps bring accelerated transformation to people across the world. She empowers you to master life, spirit, soul, and body.  Donna has been speaking and coaching for over 25 years. https://www.ivibrantliving.com/

Follow on Instagram: @ravenscottshow  FOR FREE Empath Mantra / YouTube

Follow guest on Instagram: @drtashjian/ YouTube

Here are some key moments:

Take Steps to Cope with the Pain. [7:46] “ Two of our primary needs are love and belonging. What do you think happens to those needs when we hide? We don't get either one of them in any. "Set Boundaries with Recurring Stressors in Your Life. [19:15] “Your past does not have to define you unless you let it.” Create a Self-Care Routine [19:27]“Are you looking out of the windshield, which is forward thinking, or are you looking in the rear view mirror? And if you are thinking about driving your car down the road looking in the rear view mirror, how far would you get?.” Establish Healthy Relationships [23:18] “Confidence is a capability that is built over time.  Not something you magically feel.”

FREE Empath Mantra: Empath & The Narcissist Book : and on Audible

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Submit your question on narcissist, spirituality, or meditation.

View my blog on this topic.

Book free call to have Madhvi show you how to shift stagnant energy in your subconscious to abundance - Emotion Code FREE Inquiry Call

Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex

Mentioned in this episode:


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“ I wanna know what Julia likes. And I love that because so many of the times, , uh, life even. We don't have time for ourselves.what do I really want and what do I really like? Does that resonate?” - Donna Tashjian

Finding Strength in Weakness: A difficult past can seem like an insurmountable mountain to climb over. But you don't have to stay stuck in the mud of your painful experiences. Find strength and rise above with advice from this episode! 

Better Help : Empath get 10% off your first month

Future Fitness:  Get their first month of personal training for $19 

Our guest today, Donna Tashjian is the founder of Vibrant Living International, a non-profit organization. She is a Life Mastery Coach, an ordained minister, a podcaster, and an author. She helps bring accelerated transformation to people across the world. She empowers you to master life, spirit, soul, and body.  Donna has been speaking and coaching for over 25 years. https://www.ivibrantliving.com/

Follow on Instagram: @ravenscottshow  FOR FREE Empath Mantra / YouTube

Follow guest on Instagram: @drtashjian/ YouTube

Here are some key moments:

Take Steps to Cope with the Pain. [7:46] “ Two of our primary needs are love and belonging. What do you think happens to those needs when we hide? We don't get either one of them in any. "Set Boundaries with Recurring Stressors in Your Life. [19:15] “Your past does not have to define you unless you let it.” Create a Self-Care Routine [19:27]“Are you looking out of the windshield, which is forward thinking, or are you looking in the rear view mirror? And if you are thinking about driving your car down the road looking in the rear view mirror, how far would you get?.” Establish Healthy Relationships [23:18] “Confidence is a capability that is built over time.  Not something you magically feel.”

FREE Empath Mantra: Empath & The Narcissist Book : and on Audible

Claim your 60% off  Empath Healing Community membership for just $8.25 a month for the whole year of 2023! 

Join the now! https://patreon.com/empathhealing

Submit your question on narcissist, spirituality, or meditation.

View my blog on this topic.

Book free call to have Madhvi show you how to shift stagnant energy in your subconscious to abundance - Emotion Code FREE Inquiry Call

Music YouTube Library: Believe by Neffex

Mentioned in this episode:


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