"As we embark on this journey 

To dance across stars,

The light of her dark face

Cannot hide hard scars"

Why Authentic People Are More Successful Than Fake Ones

In today’s world, people are constantly being judged by their appearance. But what if we told you there was a way to be more successful than everyone else?

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Authentic self - higher soul self - is defined as “the true self that exists within us all, regardless of our external circumstances. It is the part of ourselves that is independent of others’ opinions and judgments.”

Today I share a poem written by Elise Risk of @lusicovicreative! 

from my oracle card reading session with her.

Instagram: @ravenscottshow

Be Yourself

Being authentic means being yourself. You should never try to fake who you are because that will only lead to failure. If you are not happy with how you look, then work on improving your body image. However, if you are confident in your looks, then you should embrace them.

You Can Never Go Wrong By Being Real.

There is no such thing as an “authentic” person. Everyone has flaws and imperfections. It’s just part of life. So why do so many people try to hide these things? They feel ashamed of themselves and think that others will judge them negatively. This leads to self-consciousness and low self-esteem.

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