"As we move forward during this tumultuous time, let us remember  to nurture ourselves and those we love. I’ve included below a series of  Lifestyle Cornerstones to integrate into your everyday  practices, particularly during respiratory risk seasons, as well as the  regimen that I recommend for those feeling the need for more health  resources during this time.. " Dr. Zach Bush https://zachbushmd.com
Dr. Whelan : Vitalistic Healing Arts Center https://drmichaelwhelan.com  Youtube:  dr michael whelan network chiropractic
Laguna Hills 949-581-5231 Free Consultations
Visit our webpage to sign up for weekly inspiration and guidance. HERE Instagram @return.to.calm Instagram @tiffanyleeanndesign
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Vitual Custom Design Style Package - https://youtu.be/zbG_Lfj2IUs professional design package delivered via PDF - 50% off at $147.50 LEARN more HERE tiffanyleeanndesign.mystrikingly.com
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April Rate and Review contest Enter a drawing to win a FREE Home Style Kit for one of your rooms! *When you rate and review please email me at [email protected]. **Adtl entries to the drawing are won when you take a snap shot of this podcast or any other podcasts you enjoyed and share on your Social Media feed or stories.
Journal prompt: Get great sleep
Can you average 8 hours of sleep at least 5 days a week?  An early bedtime no later than 10pm is a critical cornerstone of good  sleep.
Get as much outdoor activity and exercise as you can
Find a few minutes every day to be outside in the freshest air and sunlight you can find. #breatheyourbiome
Stay well hydrated
View our Hydration Series to learn more about how our bodies interact with water.
Don’t watch the news
A morning glance at the headlines will be enough to keep  you abreast of the hysteria, and perhaps some real facts once in a  while.
Eat real food with good company
Choose foods that nourish you. Grow your own whenever possible and  choose food that is regeneratively grown. Remember, the most important  element of any meal is who is sitting at your table, not what is on it.
Avoid or reduce alcohol to one glass daily
Be fully present in the moment and reduce inputs that degrade your immune system.
Pursue a creative outlet for at least 10 minutes a day
Find joy in the opportunity to create.
Avoid processed foods and sugar
Replace processed and sugary options with freshly grown immunity boosting fruit and vegetables.
Laugh often
Challenge yourself to be a kid again and feel the joy in your daily experience.

Stay Tuned to learn about Healing with Crystals.
Love you all!
Namaste. - Tiffany Lee Ann


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