We brought up so many amazing takeaways that Human Design brings up and helps us in life! 

We talked authority, strategy, how you might experience the world around you (the arrows on your chart near your head in the chart) 

We also talk about all the takeaways listed below. 

I am currently offering my human design readings at 50% through November Click HERE to book your reading. 

@returntocalmmom Knowing your children's human design is key to helping them thrive in this world. One of your child's chart is FREE when you book your reading!

You will learn your life's purpose, strategy with making big decisions, and how to get aligned with the Universe to bring magic into your life. 

Human Design teaches you to surrender to the Universe

Human Design allows you to remove grudges and offenses done by others actions.

Empower others according to their strategy and authority.

Oracle cards allow you to tune into your intuition

Learn how to rely on others to create a powerful team.

Learn how you experience the world through the arrows on your chart

Being in a “village” and joining our energies together to make one big puzzle makes the world work in harmony. “Together we can do it better.”

Barchi Fojkar

Here to guide & inspire you to have an authentic & thriving relationship with yourself (fully accepting who you are and recognizing your gifts & strengths), with others (when we show our true nature we attract the right people) and with your life (being connected to your calling, purpose or creativity).


Certified Coach (accredited ICF) & Counsellor in training

Student & Researcher of Human Design

I started meditating in 2005 because I was reactive, miserable, feeling like a victim most of the time and constantly arguing with my boyfriend. Meditation slowly started changing my life. I began exploring different hands-on modalities, such as Reiki, began teaching classes, leading meditations, having different workshops, leading women circles, exploring different studies esoterical as well as philosophical.

My love for connection and serving was too strong so I continued having workshops, being facilitator and exploring what would help me and others the most.

One of the things is Human Design, which I find fascinating. I learned about my type in 2013 but started living and learning about it at 2018.

The other thing is Coaching, as a HD Projector I find asking questions is my strength and asking powerful questions to empower, inspire a person to start making steps and fully believe in themselves is something I love the most <3

Book here: https://bookme.name/gentleguide

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