" What I affirm in myself, I awaken in all. I am the light the light that I am." source Matt Kahn 

"New moon in Gemini specifically asks us to look out how our inner narratives are impacting our relationships."  source @theglobalsisterhood 

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1. to sign up for weekly inspiration and guidance. 

2. to sign up for a free healing meditation session emailed directly to you. in link @returntocalmmom

3. Sign up for FREE Webinar Red Light Bedtime Challenge. Learn about health affects of LED daytime lights

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May Rate and Review giveaway Each rate & review will receive a Return to Calm Mug! If you're feeling extra generous... share this podcast on your social media feed.  

Music from: Epidemic Sound : Interpretations by Howard -Harper Barnes & Onthou by Ever So Blue

Journal prompt: Write name of person who has hurt you most. Write a letter, questions, and all the ways they hurt you. Then  write the opposite of all of the hurts, pain, and feelings. Extra homework, curiously ask that person why they do something to start a non judgmental conversation going. Discover what their intentions are and find out that 99% of the time the intentions will not be malicious. 

Best of calm to you all. 
