"You are a unique piece of the puzzle. " Cathy Heller  

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Where we share uplifting and calming music artists and playlists,  journal prompts,  discuss the podcasts,  live meditations, spiritual rituals,  affirmations,   Plant essences and essential history and uses. 

May Rate and Review contest Enter a drawing to win a FREE Return to Calm mug! *When you rate and review please email me at [email protected]. **Adtl entries to the drawing are won when you take a snap shot of this podcast or any other podcasts you enjoyed and share on your Social Media feed or stories.

 Journal prompt: What are the things did you enjoy to do in your childhood? and or teenage years? Describe how they made you feel.   How can you incorporate them back into your life now?  Music from: Stay Tuned to learn about  Floral essenses and Healing with Crystals. Love you all! Namaste. - Tiffany Lee Ann


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