Who is the Exalted One? Who else could be signed to AEW after their big get in the form of Lance Archer? In a world of free agents and uncertain futures for many big talents it is an exciting time in professional wrestling! Speaking of exciting, Beyond Wrestling is to …

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Who is the Exalted One? Who else could be signed to AEW after their big get in the form of Lance Archer? In a world of free agents and uncertain futures for many big talents it is an exciting time in professional wrestling!

Speaking of exciting, Beyond Wrestling is to present their “Network Special” this Sunday in the new form of BEYOND CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING. With many staples of the company removed from the equation, with certain wrestlers synonymous with the company not billed to appear, what is this show all about? Well, Martin has blown the lid off the whole thing with a dazzling investigative effort that you don’t want to miss! Prepare to have your mind blown!

Then the game Martin will never stop talking about, Street Fighter V, has been released again in it’s final Champion Edition form. Is this game finally worth picking up? And Justin has been playing all kindsa stuff!


Justin: The GOOD Ghostbusters NES game

Martin: Renegade from Technos Japan (arcade version)

Music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch!

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The post Retro Superplex 148 – Josh appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.