Always timely, the guys are back to talk about their favorite wrestling stuff of 2019! Categories include Best matches, best regular wrestling show, best wrestlers, biggest surprises and the much-coveted CHAMPION OF THE YEAR. It’s pretty straight forward really, not exactly brain science. Just listen to it. Music comes courtesy …

The post Retro Superplex 147 – Best Wrestling Stuff of 2019 appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.

Always timely, the guys are back to talk about their favorite wrestling stuff of 2019! Categories include Best matches, best regular wrestling show, best wrestlers, biggest surprises and the much-coveted CHAMPION OF THE YEAR. It’s pretty straight forward really, not exactly brain science. Just listen to it.

Music comes courtesy of Barry Leitch!

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The post Retro Superplex 147 – Best Wrestling Stuff of 2019 appeared first on Nerdy Little Secret dot com.