Is it time to discover What's Next after your primary career comes to an end?

Is there something you always wanted to do?

Is there a problem or challenge that your skills and experience could help solve?

Is there something calling you?

This mini-episode of our retirement podcast highlights three stories of people who are making a difference - in new ways.

Cynthia Barnett found her career in education coming to an end prematurely. She spotted an important problem. Girls were not entering educational pathways that would prepare them for careers in high-growth fields in science, technology, engineering, and math. Deciding that she was retired, but not done yet, she dove in and created an award-winning program to inspire young women to consider and prepare for STEM careers.

Melissa Davey was an executive in health care when a chance encounter led her to conversations that inspired her to retire - and follow her dream to become a filmmaker.

Steve Javie was at the top of his game as an NBA referee when a chronic injury curtailed his career. A period of intensive self-reflection, conversations, and discernment lead him to become an ordained Deacon.

Their experiences underscore how valuable an open-mind can be.

What could you discover?


Listen to our full conversations - and their advice:

Retired, But Not Done Yet – Dr. Cynthia Barnett

What Do You Really Want to Do?- Melissa Davey

From the NBA Hardwood to the Altar – Steve Javie


You May Also Be Interested In:

Design Your Life and Get Unstuck – Dave Evans

How to Build a Portfolio Career – Kate Schaefers


Interested in designing a second-act career that's right for you?

Check out our one-on-one coaching program based on the principles of Design Thinking.

Schedule a free call to learn more about our new upcoming six-week Group Coaching program starting in March.


Is it time to discover What’s Next after your primary career comes to an end?

Is there something you always wanted to do?

Is there a problem or challenge that your skills and experience could help solve?

Is there something calling you?

This mini-episode of our retirement podcast highlights three stories of people who are making a difference – in new ways.

Cynthia Barnett found her career in education coming to an end prematurely. She spotted an important problem. Girls were not entering educational pathways that would prepare them for careers in high-growth fields in science, technology, engineering, and math. Deciding that she was retired, but not done yet, she dove in and created an award-winning program to inspire young women to consider and prepare for STEM careers.

Melissa Davey was an executive in health care when a chance encounter led her to conversations that inspired her to retire – and follow her dream to become a filmmaker.

Steve Javie was at the top of his game as an NBA referee when a chronic injury curtailed his career. A period of intensive self-reflection, conversations, and discernment lead him to become an ordained Deacon.

Their experiences underscore how valuable an open-mind can be.

What could you discover?


Listen to our full conversations – and their advice:

Retired, But Not Done Yet – Dr. Cynthia Barnett

What Do You Really Want to Do?- Melissa Davey

From the NBA Hardwood to the Altar – Steve Javie


You May Also Be Interested In:

Design Your Life and Get Unstuck – Dave Evans

How to Build a Portfolio Career – Kate Schaefers


Interested in designing a second-act career that’s right for you?

Check out our one-on-one coaching program based on the principles of Design Thinking.

Schedule a free call to learn more about our new upcoming six-week Group Coaching program starting in March.