Interest rates are incredibly low... Although I'm sure you already aware of this, the challenge financial advisors face is where to invest cash. Leaving cash in a bank seems like a good choice, it's safe, but that's not going to keep pace with inflation.  Some estimates put inflation at 5%-6%, which means for every $100,000 earning 0% interest will lose $5,000-$6000 in purchasing power. This in not a good situation.

In this episode we will explore the the options to investing cash and what we see working. Not all accounts are created equally. Here are the types of account we will discuss and a few strategies working in todays low interest rate environment.

Savings AccountMoney MarketShort Term Government Bond FundShort Term Corporate bond fundCD’sInsurance Contract’s

As always, if you want to see if these strategies work for you, feel free to reach out.

Terry can be found by calling 800-377-4027.  Thanks for subscribing and feel free to check out our website at