Healthy finances are only one side of retirement planning. Healthy living also needs to be a priority for every retiree. On this episode, I sit down with Nancy Schwartz of Envision Healthy Retirement to discuss how to live a healthy lifestyle in retirement, get the most out of a post-career world, and create a lasting legacy.

You will want to hear this episode if you are interested in... How Nancy got involved with retirement health and the importance of good sleep [1:17] Redefining purpose in retirement [7:41] Steps to take leading up to retirement [15:15] How Nancy’s programs help others transition into healthy retirement [19:24] Redefining purpose

Moving from a full-time career to healthy retirement is a huge shift. Not just in our schedule but in our identity. You’ve likely spent decades developing your values and strengths inside of a career. The good news is that everything you've worked so hard for comes with you in retirement. Nancy says a healthy retirement is about refocusing all of your knowledge and skill into something bigger than yourself. That could look like becoming a mentor, leaning into a philanthropic role, or even board work. It doesn’t matter who you are. Retirement can be about rediscovering joy and the passion to give back and support others.

For those approaching retirement, the idea of doing any more work after crossing the finish line of a long and productive career may seem ludicrous. If it’s not a sandy beach or golf course, you probably don’t want to be there. That’s normal. But in my experience, most retirees are out of that phase within 12 months. Human beings need purpose! And retirement is the perfect opportunity to redefine yours. Nancy talks about leaning into excitement and curiosity to discover what that might look like for you personally. After all, everyone is different. No two retirements will look alike.

Prioritizing retirement health

When you spend thirty to forty years working in a high-stress, high-demand corporate job, you may discover that your health has taken a hit. This is exactly where Nancy found herself when she was quickly approaching retirement. It also became apparent to her that most retirement courses focused on the tactical and strategic side of things. They left out important lifestyle aspects that impact our longevity and aging process. Retirement planning isn’t just about finances, although that is a major part of it. Equally important is our health and how we take care of ourselves to maximize the years we have left.

This is why Nancy's retirement planning programs have a huge emphasis on health and lifestyle. Her 12-week course is a proprietary science-based program focused around personal growth. One key area of that course is time. Just as professionals need to use time blocking to stay organized, retirees can structure their time to ensure the engagement of mind, body, and soul. She also helps retirees plan for the non-financial financial aspects of retirement planning like wills, trusts, and healthcare proxies. Nancy’s holistic approach to retirement is refreshing, and I hope you all check out the soon-to-be-released online course through her website. 

Resources Mentioned Envision Healthy Retirement  Connect With Morrissey Wealth Management