How do you learn to love yourself?


Louise Danielle is one of the best mindset coach & motivational speakers in the U.K. Going from depressed, stressed and homeless, to becoming an award-winning entrepreneur, rubbing shoulders with royalty and creating over a million dollars to do the work she loves, Louise's passion & dedication have inspired thousands of people around the world, helping them to overcome their fears, break free from their mental prison, tap into their infinite potential and create a rich and rewarding life which they love. Louise set up social enterprise in her early 20’s based on the experience of being homeless using mentoring and grew the company using ‘inspired action’. She now works as a mindset strategist & transformational teacher at Louise Danielle, having previously worked at The Spiritual Millionaire Movement.

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"Nature is working perfectly whether you’re in tune with it or not"

How do you learn to love yourself?


Louise Danielle is one of the best mindset coach & motivational speakers in the U.K. Going from depressed, stressed and homeless, to becoming an award-winning entrepreneur, rubbing shoulders with royalty and creating over a million dollars to do the work she loves, Louise's passion & dedication have inspired thousands of people around the world, helping them to overcome their fears, break free from their mental prison, tap into their infinite potential and create a rich and rewarding life which they love. Louise set up social enterprise in her early 20’s based on the experience of being homeless using mentoring and grew the company using ‘inspired action’. She now works as a mindset strategist & transformational teacher at Louise Danielle, having previously worked at The Spiritual Millionaire Movement.

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"Nature is working perfectly whether you’re in tune with it or not"