Dr. Jack Pransky is a Three Principles Author, Trainer and Practitioner: a Coach of Coaches and a Counselor of Counselors who has written more books about the Principles than anyone else alive! He is a national and international consultant, speaker, and author who has worked in the field of prevention and community organizing since 1968.

Jack has been responsible for a number of accomplishments in the field, namely:

helping to create the first Spirituality of Prevention conference in the country (with Prevention Unlimited),
the first state prevention law in the country,
the first school climate improvement programs in Vermont,
Vermont’s Juvenile Court Diversion system,
two parent-child centres and other successful community-based programs.

Jack specialises in prevention from the inside-out, and specifically in The Three Principles/Health Realization. His new and latest book: Seduced by Consciousness is an autobiographical account of his own life living with an understanding of the Three Principles.

Here is the link to the retreat: http://rethinkingbusiness.biz/cape-verde-retreat/