Margaux Khoury is an inspiration for mothers who are just getting their feet wet in business as well as seasoned mothers who run multimillion dollar companies. As the CEO and co-founder of one of the most popular all natural, organic and vegan deodorant brands on the planet, Margaux understands the importance of eliminating toxins from our lives and shares how we can ‘Profit with a Purpose’ while living happily and sustainably without harming our bodies, animals or the planet. Margaux lives with her silly husband, 3 children and 3 dogs on the Gulf Islands of Canada. Her passions include sustainable living, alternative education (free schooling/unschooling), animal rights, gentle parenting, yoga and art. Most recently Margaux has begun sharing her story of how she went ‘From Bankrupt & Homeless to Thriving Mompreneur’ in the hopes of helping mothers overcome their fears and obstacles while growing their business.