7 years ago, Lucy Herd’s little boy, Jack, went on an adventure, scaled a wall, fell into a pond and tragically drowned. Lucy and her partner’s relationship broke down, not least due to the lack of bereavement leave available for grieving parents - as he had to return to work before they had even buried Jack. Alone and in total devastation and unimaginable pain, Lucy managed to scale the pits of her own hell to start a campaign to help others who have been faced with the death of loved one. She started by contacting her local MP and the story continues from there, up until most recently where all three major parties have all now included bereavement leave in their manifestos. In my most emotional and inspirational interview yet, Lucy then goes onto share how she has ‘connected’ with Jack and knows he’s OK. This is powerful, really powerful.

Here are the links: https://www.change.org/p/rt-hon-theresa-may-mp-legislate-bereavement-leave-for-the-death-of-a-loved-one?source_location=minibar

Everyone has the ability to become a Campaigner. – 2teenagersandatoddler: https://2teenagersandatoddler.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/everyone-has-the-ability-to-become-a-campaigner/

And Lucy is currently fundraising for a Holiday Home by the sea for bereaved parents to learn to laugh and smile again: https://gogetfunding.com/bereaved-families-holiday-home-by-the-sea/