This week’s episode is brought to you by Gimbal.

Of all the different trends and tech in the industry, 56% of retailers say they expect supply chain to be the area they transform the most over the coming years.
Why? Because as consumers expect instant and convenient access to products, fulfillment is becoming a key point of differentiation. EY’s Americas Consumer Retail Leader Jeff Orschell, calls this a “big E” experience opportunity. Listen to this episode to learn:  

EY’s five consumer segments that have emerged from the pandemic and their channel preferences;  Why fulfillment is being perceived as a growth center, not a cost center; and How supply chain and fulfillment innovation will impact customer loyalty.  


Learn more about EY’s research See how the pandemic shaped consumer behaviors Read how you can create a resilient future for your business  

Thanks to this week's sponsor, Gimbal. Learn how you can deliver magical experiences for all your curbside and in-store pickup customers.