Bill Swift, CEO of Brierley, the company that created the loyalty industry and is now transforming loyalty for the future with next-generation technology and top-notch consulting expertise that cannot be rivaled. Brierley was founded by the godfather of loyalty programs Hal Brierley (who is widely credited with pioneering programs, having served as the only outside advisor for American Airlines AAdvantage). 

The business impact of loyalty is significant as loyalty leaders grow revenues about 2.5x faster than others in their industries (HBR). However, managing customer relationships continues to become more difficult for retailers as customers have become more discerning than ever and many loyalty programs have evolved away from their original intent. Bill can provide insight into the role of loyalty programs in customer experience and how to leverage these programs to increase customer engagement. Specifically, Bill can discuss: 

Why loyalty programs must drive behavior – not just reward behaviorHow capturing share of attention is as important as capturing share of wallet in today’s worldThe importance of leading with strategy to create a profitable program that motivates customers rationally and emotionally How innovative technologies such as facial verification can provide customers a more seamless and convenient retail experience 

 Over the past 35+ years, Brierley has launched and managed some of the world’s most successful loyalty programs, including Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and Hilton HHonors, securing the loyalty of millions of valued customers around the globe.