Episode 11: Daylight Saving Time. 

Yes, I know it's 'Daylight Saving Time' (not savings). So why did I say 'savings' over and over again during this episode? I have no idea  :-)   -MV

Imagine if we placed this same importance on every other hour in our day, week, month, and year. I mean, that’s what Daylight Saving Time’s real impact is - an hour. One hour. So, some perspective: If a single hour is so darn important, maybe we should act like it all the time. Time is our most valuable and only non-renewable resource. 

Mike's new book "Complain or Compete: Creating an Unfair Advantage in a Tough Labor Market" will be available on March 28th, 2021. Sign up for updates and to receive FREE business coaching delivered right to your inbox. 

Pre-order the Kindle eBook on Amazon NOW! Paperback & hardcover will be available on March 28th. 

The Results Matter Podcast is a production of Voories Business Solutions. If you're ready to take your business to the next level, visit: VooriesBusiness.com