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In today's episode, I go over some business advice I received that I definitely didn’t follow. It can be difficult to discern what is good advice and what is garbage, but it’s so important to do a gut check and see what you really feel before taking action. In different phases of my career, I’ve heard everything from negative opinions about my goals, to dismissive and some flat-out rude comments. It can be hard to ignore the bad, but there is so much good ahead when you do! 

Topics discussed:
I got into some health updates with my daughter’s hip dysplasia.
How I heard negative things about my career changes and choices and why I decided to ignore them.
Choosing to create a positive attitude despite the naysayers.
Knowing what’s right for you doesn’t mean that other people will embrace or understand it.
Finding good advice among all the business noise.
Working on your own personal growth and development will help you separate good advice from bad.

Links/Resources Mentioned:
Abundant Business:

Connect with Meagan:
Instagram: @megfitz.gerald