Face it, not every restaurant is busy 24/7. There are times, we need new business and more business.

What if you could turn a switch on your slow times, and suddenly be driving sales and putting out significantly more food?

Well, it’s now possible. In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast I’m speaking with Alex Canter; a serial entrepreneur, the heir to the iconic Los Angeles eatery “Canter’s Deli” and the creator of NextBite.

NextBite turns your existing operation into a virtual restaurant or ghost kitchen. Listen as we learn:

- A way your restaurant can drive new business when you need it, while preparing your current cuisine

- How you can expand your current restaurant brand to multiple new brand names and reach a whole new audience

- The 30% Profit Potential of this new proven business model

- The Culinary Expert-designed Menus and recipes available for your operation

- Easy onboarding and support

I’m a huge believer in new profit centers and revenue streams. Listen on and see if this may be your restaurant’s next Big Opportunity.

Now Ignite your FIRE and ROCK Your Restaurant!


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Sysco - https://www.sysco.com/

7shifts – Get 3 Months of Industry Leading Labor Management for FREE: https://www.7shifts.com/restaurantrockstars