I believe that operators should relentlessly build their brand and run a strong business, not a restaurant. This approach led me to dominate my competition for over two decades.

It was not about dumping buckets of money out the window on traditional advertising or experimenting with this marketing idea and that. Do this and you’ll never know what really works and what’s worth the spend. Instead, it was all about turning my staff and customers into brand evangelists and a marketing army for my business. But before I could do this, I needed to lay the basic “brand foundation” that everything else would be built upon.

In this episode of the Restaurant Rockstars Podcast, I’m speaking with a strategic marketing and restaurant branding expert, Amanda Guerassio of Studio Guerassio.

Listen as we learn:

- How every guest forms an immediate impression of your restaurant, and what this means to the ongoing success of your business

- The difference between a Mission Statement and the all-important Positioning Statement

- A cohesive strategy that combines an on-target logo with fonts, colors and images used consistently across all media

- How a well-designed website provides guests your restaurant experience before they walk in the door

- The two most important marketing elements are your website and your menu

This episode is a crash course in the most important way to communicate your business to your guests. Don’t leave it to chance.

Now go out there, build a Brand and ROCK Your Restaurant!


The Restaurant Rockstars Academy – The Ultimate Start-up & Management Courses. Everything you need to know to crush it in the restaurant business: https://restaurantrockstars.com/pricing/

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Sysco - https://www.sysco.com/

7shifts – Get 3 Months of Industry Leading Labor Management for FREE: https://www.7shifts.com/restaurantrockstars