From time to time, our restaurants need a makeover, a fresh new look and furniture makes the biggest splash. It’s not only greater comfort for your guests, but just the thing to transform your ambiance. Maybe now’s the time to think furniture while your dining room may still be idle or you’re looking to Up the “Wow Factor” in your place.

In this episode of the Restaurant RockStars Podcast, I’m once again with George Deeb, CEO of Restaurant Furniture Plus. They’re the largest online source of restaurant, hotel and hospitality furniture on the planet.

Listen on as we talk:

- Floor plans and how much furniture you need (don’t forget to order enough once the seating and spacing restrictions are lifted)

- Durability, functionality, materials and style to fit your atmosphere

- Current trends and timeless styles that will still look great years down the road

- Over 10,000 commercially available products vs. custom manufactured furniture to your specs

- And of course lead times and budgets… no matter your budget, George can help.

Find what you’re looking for at

Now Go Out There and Rock Your Restaurant!


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