I get to speak to some pretty fascinating people in this industry and I love talking shop. its amazing how much we can keep learning from others who share our passions, our challenges, our pain and out triumphs.

In this week’s episode of the Restaurant RockStars Podcast, I’m speaking with Elizabeth Blau of Honey Salt in Las Vegas. Elizabeth is highly acclaimed as a 30+ year veteran restaurateur, a James Beard nominee, Judge on “Iron Chef America”, as well as in-demand consultant. Interestingly, she is also widely credited as the person who transformed Las Vegas into the “Celebrity Chef” destination that it’s now known for.

Listen on as we discuss:

- Elizabeth’s amazing backstory, some of her early culinary influences and amazing people she’s worked with

- How she manages eight restaurants in both Canada and Las Vegas

- Her philosophies on training, staff performance and the customer experience

- Pivoting during Covid-19

- The “Keys” to restaurant success both now and in the future after the crisis

as well as Elizabeth’s work with the “Women’s Hospitality Initiative” and “Delivering with Dignity”, a meal delivery service to the homeless.

So much to learn, so much inspiration…. Don’t Miss it!

Now go out there and Rock Your Restaurant!

For More Restaurant Resources: https://restaurantrockstars.com/