On today’s wellness episode, I am joined by Danny Bader. Danny is a best-selling author and sought-after speaker whose life was transformed after he died when 8,000 volts of electricity ripped through him…then, he came back to life, from a place where he connected with “something bigger than us.” He uses his experience to lead people to create more perspective, joy, and a love that replaces weariness with inspiration, drives vision, and creates momentum for people in all areas of their lives. Danny has been inspiring the people of Fortune 500 companies like Merck, Comcast, The Ritz-Carlton, Marriott and Lincoln Financial with insight and practical tools that build momentum in the midst of defeating monotony. 

In this episode, Danny and I will discuss: 
- Leading a fulfilled life via his Jackrabbit methodology
- Self-awareness tips
- How to build resilience
- Shifting out of a negative mindset
- Setting up your day for success

To connect with Danny: @_dannybader www.dannybader.com

For more information on Josephine Atluri Meditation and the Responding to Life podcast, please visit www.jatluri.com On the site – sign up for a monthly newsletter that includes a free monthly meditation download, book private meditation sessions, general or fertility specific, and sign up for Josephine’s latest fertility workshops. On Instagram @josephineratluri and @respondingtolifepodcast