April Christina is a New York City based Women’s Wellness Advocate with focus on Endometriosis and Fertility. She received her Bachelors of Science degree in Clinical Laboratory Science with a minor in Psychology in hopes to pursue her goal of becoming a chemistry professor. But after being diagnosed with endometriosis in December of 2010, her goals then changed. April reevaluated what mattered most to her in life. She wanted to spread her knowledge and life experiences with endometriosis to the world. She decided to turn her pain into purpose by educating others about their health. 

In 2019, April launched The Endo Brunch. This brunch was created for women and their supporters to meet others with endometriosis and various reproductive health conditions. It is April’s main objective for everyone to have access to information that can make them the healthiest person they can be. Her newest venture is being co-host of The V Dot Podcast, a podcast centered around women’s reproductive health. In her free time April loves to sing, paint, and spend time with her husband Greg.

Today, April and I will discuss: 

Endometriosis diagnosis and treatment

Fertility with endometriosis

Mental health while trying to conceive and managing endometriosis

Women’s health advocacy

For more info, go to: 



For more information on Josephine Atluri Meditation and the Responding to Life podcast, please visit www.jatluri.com Go to the site to sign up for a free 7 day meditation jumpstart. Try out free video meditations on YouTube at Josephine Atluri Meditation.  And join the "Empowering Your Fertility" Facebook group for more mindful support.