On today’s fertility episode, I am joined by Kerrigan Behrens. As Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Sagely Naturals, Kerrigan has successfully galvanized and accelerated marketplace acceptance of CBD as a natural and effective alternative for the products you would already find in your medicine cabinet. 

Nearly a decade before founding Sagely, Kerrigan began her professional journey at Duke University. Following her graduation, she worked on Wall Street at UBS Securities, handling hedge fund prime brokerage sales, capital introduction, and the alignment of West Coast investors and hedge funds. Drawing on a lifelong passion for food, she transitioned to the restaurant industry, spearheading high-profile marketing initiatives for brands spanning Wolfgang Puck and Taco Bell - both in-house. 

Kerrigan suffered from endometriosis and due to the pain was taking OTC pain relievers such as Advil regularly. She discovered CBD which helped to address the chronic pain that she was experiencing. Kerrigan also suffers from anxiety and used CBD to help contain her anxious feelings

Today we discuss: 


Infertility and Endometriosis

Treating Endometriosis pain with CBD

Basics of using CBD

To explore Sagely Naturals products, go to: 



For more information on Josephine Atluri Meditation and the Responding to Life podcast, please visit www.jatluri.com Go to the site to sign up for a free 7 day meditation jumpstart. Try out free video meditations on YouTube at Josephine Atluri Meditation.  And join the "Empowering Your Fertility" Facebook group for more mindful support.

On Instagram @josephineratluri and @respondingtolifepodcast