In this episode, we'll explore how unresolved emotional traumas & emotions can manifest physically, discussing holistic approaches to address and heal them.

I'll share some of my personal experiences, how our bodies and emotions are wired, and how you can actually begin to receive freedom and true relief and healing. 

Emotions aren't just felt mentally; they also produce physical reactions in our body. For instance, anxiety might manifest as a racing heart, while sadness might be felt as a heaviness in the chest.

We'll talk about

The Science Behind Emotional Trauma and Physical PainCommon Physical Manifestations of Emotional TraumaThe Role of the Body in Processing EmotionsHow to Become Aware of Your Body and Learn to Release the Old and Step into the New in a Safe and Healing Way

We'll do a great simple activation that you can use to begin creating awareness and releasing healing and experience the relaxation response at work.

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