It’s hard to know what to eat when we are bombarded with so many contradicting reports, food fads and diets. Rachel Course, a Nutritionist and Nutritional Therapist, helps us understand what foods are most important if we are trying to keep up our energy levels, improve our mental and physical healthy and build our resilience […]
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It’s hard to know what to eat when we are bombarded with so many contradicting reports, food fads and diets.

Rachel Course, a Nutritionist and Nutritional Therapist, helps us understand what foods are most important if we are trying to keep up our energy levels, improve our mental and physical healthy and build our resilience – enabling us to bounce back when things don’t run smoothly. The phrase “you are what you eat” has never been more powerful.

Learn about the top foods that help lower stress levels and discover why some of our regular foods are perhaps not what they seem!

Rachel provides extremely useful tips and ideas, so that we can make changes one step at a time. Once we can see alternatives, we can make empowering differences and begin to get back in control.

Listen to our podcast with Rachel Course to find out how to make a great breakfast smoothie or an alternative Latte!!

I know what gadget I am going to purchase …. so what are you going to do differently?

If you are interested in contacting Rachel directly or reading her blog, hook up to her website



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