Dr Christine Whelan is an author, speaker and professor from University of Wisconsin – Madison, who is passionate about purpose-focused approaches to health, finances and self-improvement strategies for life s transitions. Is it better to identify your purpose or have a purpose mindset? Find out how to find your purpose in 4 easy steps. Understanding the […]
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Dr Christine Whelan is an author, speaker and professor from University of Wisconsin – Madison, who is passionate about purpose-focused approaches to health, finances and self-improvement strategies for life s transitions.

Is it better to identify your purpose or have a purpose mindset? Find out how to find your purpose in 4 easy steps. Understanding the why and the how to make things happen will keep you on track. Living purposefully allows you to embrace opportunities when they come because you have that larger frame of what matters to you and why.

Who gives advice, who takes it, does anybody follow it and what advice works? Christine helps us understand how to give good advice and how to make difficult decisions. She is very keen for people to try things out to see if they help.

There is no one size that fits all when it comes to life, we are all an experiment of one. So we need to learn as much as we can to make things work for us and learn from our experiences.

Read our blogs with Dr Catherine Whelan:

4 Easy Steps to finding your Purpose

Advice How do we use it to change behaviour?

You can contact Christine via her website www.christinewhelan.com and view her books.


The Big Picture – A guide to finding your purpose in life
Generation WTF: From What the #%$& to a Wise, Tenacious, and Fearless You
Marry Smart: The Intelligent Woman s Guide to True Love
Why Smart Men Marry Smart Women
Changing Dating and Marriage Patterns

The post Resilience Unravelled (Eps 046) How to discover your purpose and deal with advice – with Dr Christine Whelan appeared first on QEDOD.com.