There is a need to recognise the benefits of employing people with autism and other neurodiverse conditions and the different perspective they bring.
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Angela Andrews is an Autistic woman with a bachelors in psychology and a masters in data analysis who works as a data scientist for Johnson & Johnson. Having lived much of her life in the Midwest, she moved to New Jersey a few years ago and now speaks out about the need for both self-acceptance and universal acceptance of differences.

Angela was not officially diagnosed with autism until she was 21 and in this podcast she talks about the social aspects of living with autism, the lack of understanding and the problems of getting a job. She feels that workplaces need to recognise the benefits of employing people with autism and other neurodiverse conditions and that although some adjustments need to be made to in work environments, the different perspective they bring to work is wholly beneficial.

You can get in touch with Angela at


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