Why would one use virtual reality in Hospitals? Computer Graphics was used since long time in Medicine to explain complex issues. Using virtual reality is just the next step, to be able to visualise the body that is an awesome 3d machine itself in virtual space. This is useful as so far everything was flat and fixed while the only way to experience a Body was to do an autopsy yourself. The Heart VR Project is an education experience showing various congenital heart defects. Unlike a heart attack, those defects are born with. The heart is a very complex structure so using VR is helping the doctors visualising a heart on the go - right in their head. Nurses, Doctors and Students - they all are able to learn faster and easier. Tune in for the great discussion to learn more about it!

virtual reality is just the next step, to be able to visualise the body that is an awesome 3d machine itself in virtual space

Here is a list of most prominent issues we've talked about:

Virtual Reality in Hospitals
Heart deceases
Stanford Virtual Heart program

Links and References

Lighthaus Inc.

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Thanks to Dr. David Axelrod from Stanford University and David Sarno from Lighthaus Inc. for sharing their expertise with us and our listeners.

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Special thanks to Nerses Balabanian for the intro and outro music! Find him at here